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Sirloin Steak, Potatoes and Broccoli

Matthew Hussey

Growing up, we didn’t have the money for fancy steaks like ribeye, filet mignon, or New York strip—but we sure knew how to make a sirloin steak taste incredible! This video is an ode to my childhood, where sirloin was king in our house, especially in the summer. Every Saturday, my family would fire up the grill or cast iron skillet and cook buttery, juicy sirloin steaks with simple ingredients—but full of big, bold flavors. Today, I’m putting my own Hungry Hussey spin on this classic, cooking up a perfectly seared sirloin steak that’s tender, juicy, and packed with flavor on my Blackstone griddle. I’ll share tips on how to cook sirloin steak so it turns out just right, plus some tricks to make it taste as good as (or better than) ribeye! If you grew up eating sirloin steak on a budget, or you just love grilling and cooking steaks at home, this one’s for you! Let me know in the comments—what was your favorite meal growing up?


2 lbs sirloin steak

4 Russet potatoes

1 bag broccoli florets

Hussey's Heifer Dust

avocado Oil


1 tsp smoked paprika

2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce



1. Start by par cooking the potatoes in a microwave. When just about cooked, remove and let cool slightly. Cut into wedges and add some avocado oil followed by Heifer Dust and smoked paprika to season. Mix well and set aside. Preheat griddle to medium.


2. Season steak with ample amount of Heifer Dust. When griddle is heated, add 1-2 tablespoons for butter and some oil. Put potatoes, cut side down and cook for a minute or so or until the get some char on them. Flip potatoes and let cook on the other side.


3. Put broccoli down in some of the potato oil. Add a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water and cover to steam the broccoli.


4. When potatoes and broccoli are done to your liking, move them to the sides of the griddle. Turn outside burners to low and turn the middle burners to high. Add about 2 tablespoons of butter and some more avocado oil to the middle of griddle and add the steak.


5. Flip steak every minute or so until you reach about 120 degrees internal. Add 2-3 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons or Worcestershire sauce. Spoon sauce all over the steak while flipping in the sauce. Continue cooking until it reaches your desired internal temp. Remove and let rest.


6. Remove the potatoes to the cutting board. Move the broccoli to the middle of griddle and add a tablespoon of butter and season with Heifer Dust. Mix and add the juice of 1 lemon or lime. Mix and remove broccoli to cutting board.


7. Slice meat and enjoy.


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